Vegas Rapper AP.9 Threatens to Sell Coco's Naked Pictures

The bootylicious reality star drew the ire of her hubby after photos surfaced of her snuggling up next to the rapper, and she was quick to apologize for her "inappropriate behavior" --  but now sources are saying that AP.9 is boasting he has evidence that their encounter wasn't as innocent as Coco has claimed! “He’s been putting feelers out to see if people want to buy the pictures and he's claiming they're really salacious and that a LOT more happened with Coco than just them posing in a night club.

Meanwhile, a source have revealed that they aren’t sure what AP.9 plans to do with the new set of photos, or even if they actually exist, but either way — they say that AP.9 vows he's not afraid of Ice-T!


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