Is The End for Arsene Wenger?

Beleaguered, disrespected, outdated and out of touch is how Arsene Wenger has been variously described. With his teams performance at an all-time low, the future seems bleak for the french man however, it appears that merely preserving what should be a glittering legacy will represent his last great challenge.

Is this the end?

When Manchester United humiliates your team 8 -2, it can be forgiven after-all they are Manchester United, three time champions of Europe. However, when you loose to a championship side in a competition that presented the only logical hope for a club starved of silverware since 2005, that will certainly be unforgivable. That is what Tuesday’s unacceptable loss against League Two Bradford have done to a man famed for bringing the famous 'Invincibles' to the premier league. A team that went through an entire season without a single loss. 

Regrettably the tide has turned, stemming the flow and limiting the damage are now the priorities. This team, even with the addition of the quick-fix reinforcements that are likely to be on their way next month, is not equipped to challenge for honors. With the fans and some ex players calling for his head, and rumours of locker room burst ups with coaching staff and players it is obvious that theses are trying times for the iconic french man and his team.


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