Chris Brown Looses His Cool on Twitter over Rihanna Assault

The drama began on Sunday when Johnson landed the first blow by re-tweeting what Brown wrote alongside an Instagram photo of himself. The Don’t Judge Me singer said: “I look old as f**t! I’m only 23…

”Johnson tweeted: “I know! Being a worthless piece of s**t can really age a person.”

Brown responded by writing: “Take them teeth out when u Sucking my d*** HOE.”  But plucky Jenny Johnson didn’t take the attack lying down. She took the opportunity to correct the singer’s spelling by telling him: “It’s ‘HO’ not ‘HOE’ you ignorant f**k."

But Brown, was not finished. After calling Johnson “worthless” and a “thirsty bitch,” he wrote: “Don’t run for support now… Lol. Ur [sic] a comedic writer!!! If you can take a d***, u can take a joke.”


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