The Truth About Paris Jackson's Attempted Suicide

One of the downsides of being Michael Jackson's daughter is to get used to life under constant spotlight and l the harsh reality that your late father was the controversial  king of pop. It all came to head on Wednesday 5, June 2013, when Paris Jackson was rushed to the emergency ward of West Hills Medical Center in Los Angeles California amid news of attempted suicide. However, we first saw signs of self destruction a few weeks ago.

Paris was rushed to West Mills Medical Center
In previously published pictures, the 15-year-old daughter of late singer Michael Jackson was seen six weeks ago with suspicious scars on her forearm – which appear to suggest she has been self-harming. Seen on a lunch date out with her birth mother, Debbie Rowe, in Palmdale, California, on April 28, rows of scars could clearly be seen on the troubled teenager's forearm almost reaching her elbow. The latest tragic turn her relatively short life is somewhat unsurprising given the personal struggles she has endured over the course of the last few years. Not only did she lose her superstar father prematurely when he passed away in 2009, but she has also had to put up with a great deal of criticism surrounding her recent reunion with her birth mother Debbie Rowe.Paris began rebuilding her relationship with her mother, who signed custody of her children over to Michael after her divorce from the singer in 1999, following her father's tragic passing in 2009.

Obvious lines of scars are evident on Paris forearm
A source told 'It's been a very difficult time. Paris has wanted Debbie in her life... She's a young girl and having a female mother figure has been something she has desired for as long as she can remember, but it has caused problems in the family. 'It has caused some problems between Paris and Prince. It's a very personal choice for both of them and they do not see eye to eye on it at all. But Paris has believed from the start that it is something that Prince will come around to, that he will change his mind as he gets older. 'The source further added that Paris felt 'alone and confused' after Prince refused to 'understand her wanting to have a relationship with her mom'.

Paris Jackson and her birth mother Debbie Rowe

Paris' grandmother Katherine, who is currently guardian of Paris and her two siblings Prince and Blanket, is also said to have been unsure about the relationship being rebuilt but 'understands that this is what Paris needs and she would not want to stand in her way.' the teenager's relationship with the Jackson family is believed to have become so strained that it was recently claimed she will walk away from her relatives and 'never return' as soon as she turns 16. While the LA County Sheriff's Department will have to class the call as a suicide bid due to Paris apparently cutting her wrists and taking a drugs overdose, sources revealed that Paris' contact with a suicide helpline is an indication that the incident was in fact a cry for help. A law enforcement source told the website: 'She wanted attention, she wanted to be saved. It makes no sense if you really want to die to call a hotline, where the person on the other end will get an ambulance over to your house.'

Signs of trouble-? Paris tweeted disturbing beetles quotes earlier.

However, the statement released by Paris' grandmother Katherine Jackson's lawyer Perry Sander read 
'Being a sensitive 15-year-old is difficult no matter who you are. It is especially difficult when you lose the person closest to you her father. Paris is physically fine and is getting appropriate medical attention. Please respect her privacy and the family’s privacy thank you for the outpouring of concern and support for Paris. She is safe and doing fine. We truly appreciate you respecting our family’s privacy at this time.'

Michael Jackson's Calabasas mansion where Paris attempted suicide

She is also in the middle of doing her exams at school and is anxious over her looming appearance in court in Los Angeles where she is due to testify in a trial connected with Jackson’s fatal overdose on June 25, 2009.
In addition, sources said she was upset at not being allowed to go to a concert by goth rocker Marilyn Manson. She 'threw a fit’ after being told she couldn’t attend the concert on a school night and reportedly ran into her room screaming and slammed the door. The drama unfolded just hours after the teenager posted a series of alarming messages on Twitter.
At around midnight on Tuesday, she recited the sorrowful Beatles song Yesterday to her million plus followers, writing: 'Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they’re here to stay.’ An hour previously, she posted: 'I wonder why tears are salty.’ 
The backdrop to her Twitter page shows Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night, painted while the artist was in a mental asylum in Saint-Remy, France.
The teen has posted a series of dark messages on Twitter over recent months.
In May she saluted Goth rocker Manson on her Twitter page, writing: 'Hey evil world,' while in another from that month she refers to Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain, who committed suicide in 1994, as 'Jesus.'

The police at the Jackson's residence after the incident


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